Sep 23, 2004 19:38
People eather say things they kno piss me off or they do things that they know piss me off!! i cant get away from it!! but u want to kno the funny thing about it all? Its always ALWAYS a girl that does it. always no matter what!! I hate being a girl. we are bitches and i hate being that way, but theres no way to change it so im stuck this way 4eva! DAMN IT!!!
ok well on a lot liter note its COURTNEYS BIRThdAY 2DY!!! HAPPy birthDAY TO YOU!!! I LOVE YOU!! SHE iS sWEETSIXTEEN YEARS OLd!! DAM YOUR geTTiNG OLD !! i made her cupcakes last night and i didnt get done until 11pm. but i almost didnt get to make them for her b/c she was over until 7:30 witch was awesome. we all had sooooo much fun!!! but my mom wasnt gonna get the stuff for the cupcakes until i started crying and saying thanks for making me lie to my best friend dam i feel great about myself! and she ended up going to shaws at 9:30 at night to buy cupcake stuff.
FRIENDLY'S~~~ hell yes always fun to go to friendly's with my courtney and my poohbear. this time was different tho 1.)jeremy went with us for the first time... i dont think hes eva going out to eat with me and courtney and josh again. and 2.) ThERE WAS HaIR IN my FOOD!!!! YUCKY!!! but of corse mea nd courtney got our monster mash sundays and josh got my "happy endings sunday" :) hehe then we went to the falls and had some fun there..
then me and josh went down to the park and found a soccer ball so we started playing soccer, i fell a few times but thats the part of soccer and then i took off my shoes and started playing again it was so much fun.
jeremy and courtney went down the kids slid 2gthr and it was wicked cute but i had to go over to jeremy and pull them put he was kinda stuck!! it was funny tho. then we had a four sum on the see-saw yay!! lol !! i love you courtney and i hope u had the best birthday ever!!
Jh/Tw~ some ppl r only alive b/c its illegall to kill them !
have a nice day :)