(no subject)

Aug 29, 2007 09:28

My mama is love because my back hurt like nothing else after the food festival, note to self: bring your own chair next time that is big enough for someone over 4 feet tall, and I came home the next day all sad and unhappy because my boy has left nd my back hurt like nothing else. So my mom, who was partly asleep at 11pm by the time I came in wakes up and gave me the best back rub ever. Mom's have magic hands you know, so I'm all better now, and it's just love, because I would not wake up to rub someone's back regardless of how much parental love obligated me. Just no dice.

The Food Festiva was awesome got some blintzes and lots of latkas and a rasberry seltzer and painted faces all day with little kids who were so excited that it was for free. I'm going to buy my own paints and label my paint brushes for next year though, it will keep me from getting upset with people. The lady who normally runs the booth, she seems really nice, but of all the three years she always gets on me about something. So this year she buys a brand new set of face paints, two sets, because the other ones are pretty beat up, and I even hear her asking what she needs to do to be reimbusrsed by the synagogue for the face paints. So in my book, that means it's no longer yours. So I'm painting, faeries and lady bugs and dragons and what not, and I'm a good artist, in that I know you use what you can use before opening a new tube of paint. And that's what I'm doing, using what can be used from the all the grungy old sets first, when i run out of white to mix up a good pink, and the pnk in the old set is completely cracked and dried over and refusing to work despite the tones of water I'm pouring over it. So I reach to get one of the new sets to use the pink in there and she lectures me out about using everything from the old sets first, while then proceeding to leave for like 4 hours and then come back to paint her friend's arm with one of the nice new sets, all the while refusing to share the yellow, which by this point I have run out of, from that set as well. I think to myself, for god's sake, grow up.

And every single year she tries to take my paint brushes home with her. EVERY YEAR we have the same conversation at the end where we are packing things up. I'll ask if she has seen one of my brushes and she'll comment that all the paint brushed there belonged to her and then I inform her, like I have for the past two years in a row, "No, I actually brought my own set of brushes up", because god forbid she try to keep me from using good qualty brushes just like the paints. This year, she can't find a brush and we go through the same conversation. And once again I say, " I don't know, I haven't seen it, and it's not with the rest of the brushes in my set" - "No, some of the brushes are actually mine, I brought my own set". And just to be nice I look through my little set of brushes, and all of them are mine and part of that set I brought. Instead of just believing me she starts questioning me about it, "are you sure one of my brushes didn't end up in there, one is white and the other is turquoise" and in good faith I look again and assure her no to which she then insists that she look through the set herself just to make sure I'm not lying and trying to steal her paint brushes, and after five minutes of staring at a whole set of brushes that are all wooden brown and straight green as opposed to white or turquoise like her missing brushes she concedes I am right and all the rbushes I have in there are indeed mine.

And it's just like, WTF? I am volunteering my time here so that you can go off and enjoy the food festival and then you are denying me from using the resources that should be supplied to me and then are basically accusing me of stealing your paint brushes and lying about it. Where do you get off. So right, labeling all the brushes and buying my own face paint set. They're like 20 dollars, even with 16000 dollars of student loans to still pay off, even I can afford that, ad I can even afford to share those paints with others reagrdless of whether I am reimbursed or not. Rolls eyes.
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