(no subject)

Apr 25, 2004 11:40

I Want: Someone to hold me for a while..
I Have: The one i love, and hope not to loose
I Wish: I was more confident
I Hate: Ignorance.. People can be different
I Miss: Hope
I Fear: being rejected by you
I Hear: all my thoughts playing in my mind
I Search For: The reason i dont love myself
I Wonder: Who misses me..
I Love: Amanda.. A lot
I Ache: For her touch
I Always: Am too emotional..
I Am Not: Modist
I Dance: All the time.. Mainly on fridays
I Sing: At my computer, When i think no one is listining
I Cry: Laying in my bed alone
I Am Not Always: True to myself
I Win: When i fight for my ways
I Lose: Because i dont want to fight
I Confuse: Myself
I Need: To be held by amanda
I Should: Be cleaning.. Or something useful
My father thinks I am: Still a little 3 year old
My mother thinks I am: Something that was put on this earth to make her life a living hell
What makes me happy: Is that i am blessed with the most wonderful girl in the world who wants to share her life with me for a little while

Yes or No...
you keep a diary: No.. I write poems
you like to cook: Sometimes
you have a secret you have not shared with anyone: Yes
you set your watch ahead: No, I dont wear a watch
you bite your fingernails: Used to, Do when i am scared
you believe in love: Yes! I am in love

Who is...?
the prettiest female you know: Amanda!! Without a doubt
the loudest person you know: Nia or I...
The person that knows the most about you: Hard question...
Most boring teacher: Ms. Ketch

Do You...?
take a shower everyday: Yeah.. Most of the time
want to get married: Naw.. I dont think
Have any tattoos/where?: Now.. No, Sooon... Yes!
get motion sickness: Nope
think you're a health freak: Hell no
get along with your parents: Not really
Cuddle or Make Out: Cuddle
Chocolate Milk, or Hot Chocolate: Hot cocoa
Dark, milk, OR White Chocolate?: Milk Chocolate
Vanilla OR Chocolate? Vanilla!

( In the past week have you.... )
Cried: Yes
Helped Someone: I dont know
Bought something? Yup!
Gotten Sick? No!
Gone to the Movies? Nope!
Gone out for Dinner? Yes
Written in a Journal? Yes

Would You Ever...
1. Eat a bug? No!!
2. Bungee jump? Yeah, I want to
3. Hang glide? No...
4. Kill someone? I dunno, I might
5. Have sex with someone you don't love? Possibility
6. Kiss someone of the same sex? I do almost everyday
7. Have sex with someone of the same sex? Yeah.. i have
8. Parachute from a plane? Ummm.. Get me on the plane and i will do anything to get off the plane
9. Walk on hot coals? I have always wanted to do that
10. Go out with someone for their looks? No!
11. For their reputation? No
12. Be a vegetarian? Yea
13. Wear plaid with stripes? No
14. IM a stranger? Yea
15. Sing karaoke? Yeah!
16. Get drunk off your ass? I have been
17. Shoplift? I have.. Eek
18. Run a red light? I might.. If I was in a hurry
19. Star in a porn video? Depending who my partner is
20. Dye your hair blue? I had blue streaks.. Does that count?
21. Be on Survivor? No..
22. Wear makeup in public? I wont go in public unless i am in makeup
23. NOT wear makeup in public? NO!!!
24. Cheat on a test? History
25. Make someone cry? I have.. But i didnt want to
26. Call your math teacher a motherfucker? No.. I like my math teacher
27. Kick a baby? NO!
28. Date someone more than ten years older than you? No, I draw the line at 5 years
29. Cuss out a priest? No, Well, Maybe
30. Take a job as a janitor? If I really needed the cash
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