So I discover today that my iPod was stolen out of the Element parked in the driveway right next to our house. No damage was done to the vehicle, so now I'm not certain it was locked. Turns out our neighbor's car wasn't locked either.
Yes, that's right, they left a car parked in their driveway WITH A FUCKING GUN IN THE GLOVE BOX AND DIDN'T LOCK THE GODDAMN CAR!!!
Now I'm feeling morally superior, well *more* morally superior than usual, because:
1) I wasn't the last one to drive the Element, so *I* wasn't the one that may have left it unlocked.
2) I may have lost an iPod, but at least I didn't lose a gun.
When I bought the iPod I had my gmail address engraved on the back along with my cellphone number. Let's see if that works to get it back to me (doubt it, but you never know.)
For now, I'd like to think that the person who stole it is enjoying my musical selections.
On a lighter note, Tony bought me this to make me feel better. It's made of bronze!