Fast Five and Supernatural thoughts

Apr 29, 2011 23:50

This week has been so busy with school (only have one more week and a day) work and house/dog sitting. However I did take sometime and went to the midnight showing of Fast Five...

Before getting into the movie review I have to say it was the most fun midnight showing I've ever been to when we got there earlier there was actual a car show taking place so walked around for a little bit. Most of the cars were nothing special just your durangos, mustangs etc... but some were really nice... the kind of cars you expect to see in the fast and furious movies... Anyway stay after the end of credits as the clip is surprising and I would love to hear people thoughts... well review is behind a cut for the people avoiding spoilers... also sorry to those who read my stuff which isn't many as I know this isn't supernatural which is the most of my flist...

The movie was awesome... i started at the end of fast and furious and the escape sequence was crazy. Actually all the action sequences in this movie were awesome from the fights, and the heist at the end. I'm not really going to get into it as I really don't want to seat here and recount the whole movie as this movie really was packed with action. The reunions in the movie were awesome as well.... It was great seeing Vince again but I don't know I just didn't really feel his character this time around... However the returned of Rome, Tej, Han, and the two Mexican's (I don't know there names) were spot on the only returnee to the franchise I still can't place is the girl.. As for the new cast member to the franchise better known as the Rock all I can say is Damn he is so freakin huge in this movie that in my opinion he looks strange but he was awesome...The last thing I want to say about this movie is stay after the credits because the return of Eva and the case she wants the Rock to look into deserves to be discussed so much right now as I really don't know what to think...

well after sleeping most of the day and then going to dog sit i did get  to watch Supernatural... The rest behind a cut..

I really need to watch it again just to make sure I get what is going on.. especially because now we are in pure mythology arc now and they are starting to really through information around. Anyway I'm growing increasingly worried about Castiel, especially with seeing the end and next weeks promo it really got me worried and mad as Cas wanting to yell at him what was he thinking? I was kind of expecting Crowley to be back specially as the next episode is called the man who would be king, and from things people were saying but I'm glad to see the actual answers although now I'm wondering how Crowley survived unless it was Castiel and then what the hell was he thinking. Also who thinks the Eve is really dead because I don't.... Anyway can't wait for the answers behind Castiel and Crowley

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fatf, supernatural, fastfive, review, life

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