(no subject)

Aug 24, 2009 23:45

  • 02:29 "Well, that light won't put itself out. Could you hand me that BB gun?" #
  • 10:05 Truth: www.xkcd.com/627/ #
  • 10:07 @ brianeliseo I am *soooo* jealous. Have an AWESOME time at the NIN show! (and let me know if one of you gets sick--i'll buy your ticket...) #
  • 10:42 @ chrisped pretty sure. My Leopard uses about 700 MB at startup; Win7 uses about 650 MB. But i'm learning Win7 does not release much. :-( #
  • 20:09 Pretending you are into typography is the new pretending you were into hardcore. (via @zeldman) --I had to snicker. #
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