hi. bored. and deepish.

Jan 31, 2005 19:38

hi peoples. i'm very bored rite now. talking to jamesy babey and nathan on aim. wishing kassie'd get on. kinda hungry but not really. bored. tired. bored. deepish. i had to clean awhile today while my dad is out and i was all deepishly humming and singing stuff that made little sense. was talking to katie earlier, was deep then. deep and emotionally charged. uggh. nuttin on t.v. don't feel like listening to music. but i'll start it up since i don't feel like listening to nuttin on the t.v. there. nuttin better then a good good charlotte marathon once again sponsored by windows media player. well i'll just get back to my gc and trying to find sumpin to do on here. guess i'll go to neopets and play more games. bye.
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