It's off to work I go...

Apr 17, 2024 09:30

Day three of being properly employed again, and I'm feeling... tired. Because a social engagement had me up until 1 AM last night (NOT a normal occurrence). But otherwise things seem to be going well. It's a little eerie how little training they bothered to give me before saying "here's some stuff to work through on your own this week, we'll train you in the next batch of stuff next week". Yes, I'm already fully trained in the systems they use (doesn't feel quite like a "we" yet, though I expect it will after a month or two), but still... hope I don't blow anything up too badly!

Once I get used to having a set routine again, I think this is going to be pretty comfortable. Right now I have a separate contract gig I work on in the mornings, and then spend the afternoons on my regular job, so it feels basically like a 9-5. But once the contract is completed, I'll have mornings to focus on gardening and creative pursuits... at least for the foreseeable future. The library director already wants to expand my hours at some point, but the funding's not quite there yet. Which is fine by me! I'm happy to ease into things slowly.

Anyhow, I'm hoping that having regular working hours will help me set up some regular writing/artistic hours. I miss being deliberately creative, and I can already tell that the stress level at this job is going to be functionally nil in comparison to the old one. Still can't quite believe this is all real, but it feels really good so far!

school & work

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