Eve of the Holy Name

Dec 31, 2023 09:23

I sang this with a bunch of friends, oh, 15 years ago now? I still have my part completely memorized, which isn't true of just about any other choral piece I've sung over the years. In fact, I will at times sing it all by myself, even though it sounds a little odd without the other 3 parts. There are other choral pieces I love listening to more, others I dream of singing someday, but this is the one that for whatever reason embedded itself in my heart and brain.

Anyhow. May you all have a glorious new year, no matter what external drama may go on with elections and wars and what-not. May you and those you love be blessed with peace and many good things, so that you will look back on December 31, 2024 and say, surely this was the Lord's doing, and not ours.

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O praise the Lord of heaven: praise him in the heights! praise him in the depths!
Praise him, all ye angels: praise Jehovah!
Praise him, sun and moon and blazing comets: praise the Lord!
Let them praise the Name of the Lord: for he spake the word, and all were made; he commanded, and they were created. Admire! Adore!
Ye dragons whose contagious breath people the dark abodes of death, change your dire hissings into heav'nly songs, and praise your maker with your forked tongues.
O praise the Lord of heaven!
Fire, and hail and snow, wind and storm, beasts and cattle, creeping insects, flying fowl, kings and princes, men and angels: praise the Lord!
Jew and gentile, male and female, bond and free, earth and heaven, land and water: praise the Lord!
Young men and maids, old men and babes: praise the Lord!
Join creation, preservation and redemption: join in one:
No exemption, nor dissension, one invention and intention reigns through the whole: to praise the Lord!
Hallelujah: praise the Lord!


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