At the bottom of the hill, looking up

Dec 21, 2022 21:27

Welp, today is/was the shortest day of the year--9 hours 17 minutes, at my location. Also, quite cold--below freezing except for brief temperature bump in the afternoon thanks to us getting some actual sunlight for a change.

All I want to do this time up year is make soup or curl up in bed and read. Work? Clean? Socialize? Bah! I just want to be cozy and not have to make myself do things while it's dark out.

I think the greatest loss that came with industrialization and the subsequent computer age is the near-total disconnect from the natural seasonal rhythms. We are still animals, for all that we like to consider ourselves brains driving around biological vehicles. Animal me thinks that some degree of hibernation sounds like an excellent idea. Why am I staring at a glowing screen and typing when I could be snug in my bed with a book and a carefully-chosen amber light designed to lull me to sleep....?

Because brain works like moth and likes to stare at bright things, I guess. Anyhow. I have written a post. My blog is kept alive a little longer. I am going to shut this thing off and go to bed now.



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