
May 10, 2022 22:12

I'm actually picking the asparagus this year, though it feels wrong to keep snapping off the shoots before they have a chance to properly unfurl and grow; it's only for a few weeks, and it'll encourage the plants to spread out and grow lots of shoots instead of just a few, but still. You could probably make a metaphor out of that if you wanted.

I finally threw out the last of the old (2014-2015) seed: squash and pumpkin and cucumbers and peppers and all sorts of herbs that we kept buying as seedlings instead of getting around to sprouting our own. It felt wrong to just throw it away, but also a relief: I can clearly see the new, good seed rather than having to dig through everything else (and maybe buy unneeded duplicates because I couldn't tell that I already had some).

The strawberries are about to start inundating us with fruit; I nearly threw my back out (I grow old, alas) pulling out all the thistles that were choking them back, but it was done early enough that they've had a chance to grow in full and tall and covered in flowers. There's probably another metaphor in there.

This probably isn't quite 250 words, but it's late and I don't care enough to actually check. Good night, all--the garden's going to be waiting for me in the morning.

home life

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