Fourth Sunday in Easter

May 08, 2022 07:03

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Who is this?
Who is this that cometh from Edom,
With dyed garments from Bozrah?
Who is He and what is His name?

His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God,
the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, the Great I Am, the First and Last, the Alpha and Omega, Shiloh, God with Us, Emmanuel,
the Lord our Righteousness, the Seed of the Woman, Serpent Bruiser, Son of Man, Son of God, Friend to Man, Equal with the Father, Grace and Truth.

Mercy and truth are met together.
Righteousness and peace have kissed each other.

Now is the hour of darkness come
And Jesus waits to hear His doom.
The Roman speaks, the Jews reply,
"His blood be on us, let him die."

Death and despair! What do I see?
The Lamb of God hang on a tree,
With rusty nails His body tore,
And bloody sweat from every pore
Runs plenteous down.

Hark how he groans, his bitter cries!
The rocks have split, but see, he dies!

Now is the hour of darkness past.
Christ has assumed His reigning power.
Behold the great Accuser cast
Down from the skies to rise no more.

Old Adam the first, excited by Lust,
And Eve the seducer entailed the curse,
But Adam the second, our Saviour and King,
Has made the Atonement and freed us from sin.

O that men would praise the Lord!
Praise Him for creating power,
Praise Him for redeeming love.
Hallelujah! Praise ye the Lord.


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