fic fragment: Does anybody still play marbles?

Mar 17, 2022 07:30

First attempt at a fill for the prompt for the previous fic, set in the Evil that Walks Invisible AU. I like it, but another one of those that just refused to go any further.

There's a woolly bear crawling across the playing field, bringing the game to an absolute halt.

"You could just wait for it to leave on its own," Mary Beth proposes--ever the voice of reason--but is ignored by the boys as usual. She's not actually involved, anyhow, just watching from the sidelines after having run out of quizzes in the latest issue of Seventeen.

The older boys are squabbling over how to score it if someone hits the caterpillar instead of another marble; the younger boys are hunting through the grass for sticks to poke it with. Kyle keeps producing stalks from somewhere that crumple over at the slightest touch, but given how close-cropped the grass is where they are, that's still almost as good as a magic trick.

Sam ignores all the ruckus, more interested in the caterpillar itself: according to Dean, woolly bears are prime examples of minor naturally-occurring omens. This one's about twice as long and fat as Sam's thumb.

fiction fragments, all fiction, supernatural, fanfiction

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