Oh, is there a more glorious way to greet the week, dear ElJay, than with the fresh-faced visage of Teen Hoff smiling beatifically over your shoulder? I should think not.
Well, wait. There is ONE possible minor improvement I could make. Behold, the Glowing Bonus Saget!!!!
Dear friends of ElJay, I think it's about time to infuse some much-needed excitement and a new spitshine to the Monday Hoff, so, if you'll allow me, I'm gonna go for the more expansive Monday Washed-Up Famous People from now on. So welcome, Bob "I sucked dick for crack money" Saget, as my inaugural Monday Washed-Up Pal. David, you're in good company here. And it's not that we don't all love you, Mr. Hasselhoff, but, you know, you're getting a lot older, and there are only so many times in the day that I can look at your curly patch of pubic chest-hair. Them's the breaks.
Or something. Forgive me, I'm still a little spaced out this morning. More later.