(Holy mother of Jesus, is it 3pm already??)
I've been too busy rolling this half-hilarious, half-pathetic, half-painful (yep, it deserves 150% of my attention, I suppose) in-law nugget around in my brain since the weekend to post about it... but I was reminded this morning.
Remember when I
wrote about my totally-addled-but-still-80%-as-evil-as-ever father-in-law and how he failed to tell the Hub about his grandma's death for FIVE FUCKING MONTHS? Well, I had promptly written the aforementioned father-in-law (who is now a born-again Christian, no less...) an angry and hurt but (I thought) respectful letter informing him of how patently uncool that was. Mind you, I would never compose or send such a thing without S.'s explicit permission, but he didn't want to read the letter before I tossed it off and warned me multiple times of the likely repercussions. So of course, I wasn't surprised when we got not one, but two quick replies, both addressed to him only and one with a copy of my letter attached so that the Hub could see it (as if I hadn't made it crystal clear that I was certainly NOT going behind his back to contact his father). They were totally boohoo-why-is-your-wicked-wife-picking-on-me, I-had-no-idea missives, both of them.
Fast forward three months, and we hadn't really heard from him since those. He should be used to his son not replying to his partly arrogant, partly laughable letters, but it would seem that he took my hub's silence not simply as something to be expected, especially after his extreme asshattedness.
No, instead the deluded old fuck apparently thinks that I am waging some kind of conspiratorial war against him, brain-washing his son into thinking he's a bad person and intercepting all his mail and shredding it. Insert one thousand pointed eye rolls here.
If that weren't bad enough, the man has taken to phoning my mother-in-law, who has been very happily divorced from him for over a decade and wishes for nothing further in her life than to be able to wipe his memory eternally out of her spotless mind, and harassing her with questions all about whether she's talked to S. recently, how he's doing, if I really do have a mind-control device set up in our condo or perhaps I've simply chained him to a dungeon wall someplace and propped his eyelids open for weeks at a time, and oh yeah his newest wife left him and boohoo he's so lonely but of course that's not at all related to his newfound interest in his son for the first time in his miserably self-centered life and why is everyone out to get him anyway.
Sigh. I guess I won't be winning any Daughter-in-Law of the Year Awards. Unless they have a category for Best Supporting Role in a Vastly Treacherous Cross-Country Conspiracy. (And I suppose that's all my fault anyway, having made this here sad familial bed to lie in.)