Title: Family (Part 8 of A Change of Heart)
bratanimusRating: R for this chapter
Spoilers: This story, begun post-Eclipse, is my version of Breaking Dawn. First person Edward POV.
Warnings: Mild language, violence, blood, death.
Pairings: Edward/Bella, all other canon pairings
Word Count: 9,863
Summary: My mind kept flitting back to Aro, when
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I liked the way the Cullens worked their way out of this as a family, using all their assets in tandem.
Favorite line: His thoughts had lurched and staggered like a wounded but dogged hero,
So wonderfully perfect. A great description for Jasper!
Thank you for continuing this!
Yes, thank goodness Jane finally got hers. I've been waiting for ages to give her these just desserts, lol.
I'm glad you liked the way the Cullens used all their assets. I wasn't sure that would come across, seeing as they were isolated from each other in the Volturi cells and couldn't really plan any sort of attack. Leave it to Jasper to save the day! I'm pleased you liked that description of Jasper; that's him to a T for me. :)
Thanks again for following my story. It's good to see you, hon. *hugs*
How's that special guy?
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