Happy Birthday!!

Dec 07, 2008 08:25

Happy Birthday, duck_or_rabbit!!!!

I'm so grateful that you started talking Sirius characterization with me over one of my stories a year or so ago. Now you're one of my dearest friends, and I can't imagine not having you in my life! You are astounding in so many ways, and I hope you know it. If not, I'll keep reminding you. ;)

And if you need more reminders, there's a load of people over at duckbirthday just itching to tell you. (Thanks, train_lindz! You are awesome.) :D

So here's your gift:

Title: The Morning After
Author: bratanimus
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Sexual innuendo and a morning-after walk of shame; but if Sirius can't be bothered to feel badly about it, neither should you. ;)
Pairings: Sirius and some girls whose names he can't recall
Word Count: 766
Summary: Sirius figured there was no way the morning after could ever live up to the night before. It was his own motto, after all: Leave while you’re still having fun. And let them bask in the memory.
Author’s Note: Posted especially for my good friend duck_or_rabbit!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope your day is wonderful, and may this year bring you much happiness. To show my appreciation for the miracle that is YOU, this is a bit from a Sirius WIP I started but never posted. I hope you like it! :D

Whoever said Muggle girls were easy was misinformed.

They were generous, was what they were.



Show-offs, as a matter of fact.

Sirius Black could appreciate a good show-off any day.

But Muggle girls were never easy - no, that would be an insult to their progressive and independent natures.

So what if Sirius knew certain charms that ensured any Muggle girl he shagged would never quite look at Muggle boys the same way again, even if they didn’t know there were such things as Muggles to start with, much less that that was what they were?

After all, charms weren’t cheating. They were augmentative.

Besides, the end result was that Sirius Black would be legendary. Which was fine with him.

It was a heavy burden for a man to bear, to be sure, but one made easier by the fact that he didn’t have one of those pesky telephones. Or a car. Or a motorcycle that drove on land. Or even a complete set of living room furniture. He couldn’t invite a girl over to that, could he? No, of course not.

So Sirius Black would live in the memories of the lucky women whose minds he’d broadened, and give their future Muggle boyfriends something to strive for. He was merely raising the bar of expectation for all parties involved. He was doing everyone a favor, actually.

Including Abby. Ali. Angie. Andi.


And her friend Nancy. Nina. Nora. Whatever.

Sirius carefully slithered out from under the warm covers, scooting himself down to the very foot of the bed and emerging naked and shivering on the hardwood floor. Did these girls not believe in turning on the heat?

Thank Merlin none of his clothes were tangled within the sheets. He reached for his jeans, tee shirt, and woolen jumper and quickly dressed, grabbing his other items as he stood up. With the change in altitude, his head began to pound, and he noticed the sour taste of last night’s Jack Daniel's coating his tongue.

The two women hugging the edges of the bed (they’d fallen asleep hugging him last night, which was quite a powerful feeling; he’d have to recommend that Remus seek out a threesome first thing) snoozed lightly. Abby (or whatever her name was) was dark blonde and looked deceptively angelic in the morning light. Nancy (or whoever) had dark hair and a voluptuous mouth that she - he’d discovered last night - really knew how to use.

To stay? To go?

If extracting himself from one female’s arms was difficult, leaving two was likely to be exponentially thornier.

But the morning-after sex! Remember that, man. Make some breakfast (domestic points) and take them back to bed.

In the end, however, Sirius figured there was no way the morning after could ever live up to the night before. It was his own motto, after all: Leave while you’re still having fun.

And let them bask in the memory.

He padded softly into the roommates’ kitchen and brewed some coffee (thank heavens Remus had shown him how to work a Muggle coffee maker last year), writing a note to the girls with a brightly-colored pen on the back of a piece of official-looking Muggle post:

Dear …

This was going to be tricky. But inspiration struck, as it always did.

… Angel and Nymph,

Sirius smiled.

Thank you for an unforgettable night.

After all, he might see one or both of them again at another Muggle club. It wouldn’t do to burn the bridge.

My apologies for having to dash. Work, you know.

His laugh was wry and silent. If they only knew.

Would love to see you again. Ring me at 129 167 …

He finished writing a false phone number for Wales (he’d have to thank Remus again for giving him pointers) and, checking round the corner to make sure the girls were still asleep, poured coffee into a cup, letting some of it dribble over the remaining phony digits so that the ink ran. His signature was barely legible at the bottom; it looked like his name was crying.

Sirius chuckled.

Setting the half-empty cup on the edge of the piece of official-looking post to hold it down, he let himself out the back door of their little flat and shut it with a quiet and final click.

Sitting on the stone steps, he donned his socks, boots, and leather jacket, and strolled up the alley onto the main thoroughfare, watching his breath make steam in the frigid air as he whistled a tune whose name he couldn’t recall.

A/N: The name of the first girl included the name "Allie" when I wrote it about a year ago, and this was before I knew your real name, duck_or_rabbit. It seemed appropriate to tweak it just a tad. I mean, it's your birthday, after all. ;)

drabble, hp, sirius, birthday, fic

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