Nov 13, 2006 01:13
So... some stuff that's up with me:
- In a couple weeks, I might be playing my first show with my new band (!) I will post details when they become available. Let's just say, you might want to clear your calendar for november 26
- Another week later, I'll be heading to atlantic city with the black cat staff. So, I knew that they did a couple trips each year (ac and las vegas). They shut down the club for 'maintenance' and everyone goes away to party. What I didn't know was that the trip to atlantic city was a staff BONUS! I was ready to save up a few dollars so I could go... turns out, the bus AND hotel are paid for, and dante will actually GIVE us money to ride along. Flippin' sweet!
- As many things as there are to do in AC, I can see myself happy just journaling, listening to the iPod, and taking photos the whole time I'm there. It'll be just about 24 hours... what happens in those hours remains to be seen. It has been suggested to me that I might find myself amidst some general debauchery, which could also be fun :)
- I'm tired. I want to take a week off.
- I'm in love with the idea of selling my car and working in the city. I just haven't figured out the whole health insurance thing. Whaaaaa.
- Bought a few cds Friday on, and I can hardly wait to get my order. Two Pinback discs and something from "I'm From Barcelona". And, sadly, I can't find the Rilo Kiley cd I bought a few weeks ago. I think I listened once, and now it's lost... probably in my car. *sigh*