Can I get a holla for Redwall? Anybody? Anyone at all?

Oct 19, 2008 17:54

Oh, hey - speaking again of NaNoWriMo, has anyone else noticed the lineup of authors they've got for the Pep Talks this year? Sci-fi guru Piers Anthony, Phillip Pullman and - here's for me the big one - Brian Jacques. (REDWALL ROCKS NO I DO NOT WISH TO HEAR ABOUT ITS INCIPIENT SYMBOLIC/OBVIOUS RACISM THAT IS MY CHILDHOOD YOU ARE HURTING STOP IT STOP IT NOW I WILL DESTROY YOU).

Ahem. I also note with some interest that they had a pep talk from Neil Gaiman last year. Score. Apologies if this isn't news to anyone more connected to the NaNoWriMo "scene," but I thought it was interesting, anyway.

nanowrimo, oohlookatthisitsneat, writing

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