So I never did talk about the side project I've been working on for the past month, did I? Well, not only will I now talk about it, but I can show it off as well --
the tinwatchman 4e starting character generator. (Warning: program strictly of interest to those of the gamer persuasion... by which I mean tabletop gamers, we'll have none of your fancy videographic machines here, no sir.)
This is a Flash application I started designing shortly before I was hired by SCK -- basically, out of boredom, and because I wanted an easy way to generate first-level characters for a 4e campaign I was contemplating. More recently, I had a fun time figuring out ways to make Flash talk to the server, which is what makes the little "Current Stats" sidebar possible. Also, can I say that PHP is quite awesome? The SimpleXML module alone is pretty much my favorite thing ever.
... Anyway, it's been a long day, and I really should get some sleep. Can write more about the program later, if people are interested.