I just took a
personality test, as assigned by one of my classes and am now reading up on the different personality types. Now I'm caught between thinking that this is (a) pretty interesting stuff and a helpful way to understand more about people, or (b) these are a lot of very extreme versions and all the descriptions read kind of like horoscopes
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The idea that the test results vary a great deal depending on the people around you, makes a great deal of sense. In fact, it would likely effect the results in two distinct ways. If I spend time with people who are primarily interested in football or something I have no interest in, then my introversion tendencies increase, while if I spend time with a bunch of SWILlies, then I'm a lot more extroverted. So I might actually change how I act depending on the people around me. On the other hand, if everyone around me is just more extreme in some way, keeping their desk extra messy or extra clean, then I might consider my own desk to be relatively clean or messy or whatever in response, without it actually changing what it is.
I'll be going into class tomorrow to discuss the personality tests and results and whatnot so it will be interesting to see what comes out in the discussion. The results I got online were saying that #NT#s (or the four "Rational" types) are extremely rare, but it looks like the vast majority of my friends fit (or fitted) into that group.
I just finished reading "In the Beginning... was the Command Line" by Neal Stephenson, and it was really interesting but also kind of irritating for making sweeping generalizations about the motives of people based upon type of computer they use. He was wrong about my motives, too.
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