halloween :(

Nov 01, 2008 00:10

Halloween is my favorite holiday. I should have spent it celebrating somewhere.I had the options too which makes it all the more sad.

Moving on...it's a new day 12:20 to be exact. I have been in a great mood for the past two weeks. I am comfortable with my surroundings and at peace with myself. I've spent a lot of alone time and sorted my thoughts. I'm looking on the bright side. Life is too short.I am embracing love from all around and seeing the good in humanity. I am focusing on self improvement.

I am slowly but surely taking on the role that I want. I spoke to my sister the other day and really love the person she has become. I see us getting closer. Life really is beautiful and I am thankful for every breath I take. That's all for now because it takes a while to type from blackberry. :P
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