Sep 10, 2005 01:49

Sup? nothing here just chillin like a villin staring at the cillin wondering why im feelin so different. my bff is joey. he calls me everyday. im begining to not love him anymore. i just like him as a friend. im begining to realize that "we" wont happen for a long time, so im taking a long break. my aunt just got out of surgery thursday last week and my dogs paw got cut and we had to take her to the er vet. i was so scared. joey thinks its funny which is really mean. but im over it and him, lol. thought id never say it, but me and somebody who remains nameless are going out. he's alot like joey, except he sings terribly and cant play the first instrument. he doesnt write songs and he doesnt really like animals. actually, he's opposite of joey. joey is way more better. he has looks, style, Charm in his own special way and he's sweet. joey has a awesome personality that no one can posess. he is funny and jokes alot. its sad because joey is the only thing i ever wanted. but i couldnt get him. i'll get out my lyrics and write some of the songs i want to share with you. love ya, nicole.
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