That dam team

Jul 02, 2005 22:33

Today was a good day.

Before I type the meat and potatos of this entry, I must eat something


::elevator music plays::


YES Reese's Penutbutter Cups! I'm a sucker for anything chocolate, ESPECIALLY penutbutter and chocolate.

Moving on,

I was supposed to take my brother to his friends house today at 10 am, however, I slept in. Luckily for him mom was home and took him.

Then around 1130ish I headed down to the Flag girls carwash. My dad needed the car afterwards for errands and such, so instead of getting the carwashed and going home I had to stay at the thing. It was fun, though. 20 girls with a hose, no complaints here. I stayed pretty much dry till the very end when all the freshman thought it'd be funny to see Tom drenched. So, I was bombarded with sponges full of soapy water. They soaked my darth vader shirt. THEY SOAKED MY DARTH VADER SHIRT. DARTH VADER! BAH! of all shirts! Then the hose dude put me in charge of the hose. Revenge was mine. Kept them at bay for a little while. Then, realizing that they were already wet and the hose was doing nothing, they attacked again. I was wearing light shorts and my boxers could be seen. Oh well. Smooha came to the car wash. His car was STEAMING when he got there, he's like "i dunno whats wrong with it"...and you're still driving it...your antics are way beyond me, Smooha. Smooha tried to steal the hose from me. Which for a while, he did. But I got it back and made him pay. I AM THE HOSEMASTER.

Then Ashley took Smooha(he left his crap mobile at albertsons) and I home.

My phone has been acting up lately so my dad and I headed down to the cingular store to see if we can get a new phone. But, before we headed down, I took the liberty to write down all my contacts so that I could put them in my hypothetical new phone. My pen exploded. MY FSU PEN EXPLODED. My favorite pen :(. Ah well, such goes the course of life. Then Anna informs me that they can transplant the little chip in the phone to the new phone to save the hassel of writing down the numbers. But I was already writing and didnt wanna take chances. Anyways, got to the store and found out that if we wanted to change one phone we'd have to replace ALL OF THEM. Which is quite an expensive proposition for a family of 5, 6 including Grandma who is in on our plan. So, I dunno. Sometime soon I guess the entire family is upgrading from our ghettotastic phones to some new fangled technology. Till then my epileptic phone will have to do. Which is fine with me, so long as it doesnt shut off in the middle of calls.

Then, at 7ish I headed over to the Palm Coast Movie theatre to see Batman Begins with Lauren and Ashley. Twas fun. But the theatre SUCKS. I stepped in something and still havent figured out what it is. Might be gum, might be gum and years of other crap mixed in. The world, or this wondering citizen at least, shall never know.

Do you know whats sad? I've seen Batman more than I have seen Star Wars. This is NOT GOOD. I HAVE to see Star Wars again, or a few more times, before its out of theatres! This is atrocious. ::smacks self::

I should start packing for Washington DC sometime soon. That can wait till monday night. Or tuesday morning, before I leave.

Well, I'm Tom and you're not, good night.

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