Sep 04, 2009 01:59
Dear madam,
When any "adult" (over the age of ten and therefore theoretically beyond the age of being mindlessly amused by such things) begins a transaction by banging the bell on my counter repeatedly and impatiently, that immediately sets the tone for an unpleasant interaction. It signals to me that you are already of the opinion that I am wasting your time by not being at the counter OMG NAO, when in fact I am in back handling baggage for the next train or performing some other necessary function of my job.
I understand that it is frustrating to you that I do not have immediate knowledge of the times and prices of trains departing stations other than my own. The mere four months that I have spent working at this station has given me sufficient practice to memorize the departure times of all the trains departing this station, all of those departing Chicago at the other end of our line, and the price range of tickets between the two. In addition, your fare may be any of the four possible prices between a given set of departure points and destinations, based on availability at the time of purchase. I am more than happy to look up fares and times for you, but it will take me a minute on our antiquated computer systems.
Given that I have been polite to you for the entirety of our transaction, it is completely un-called for to complain that I "need to be more up-beat to do this job." I haven't let my initial bell-ringing prejudice interfere with my cheery disposition, I promise. And I can even attempt to ignore unnecessary comments like the one you just made.
Yes, your reservation is made. I am sorry that you don't feel that being given the reservation number in my handwriting on our stationary is sufficient; it really is all that we would require to pull it up the next day when you come to pay for it, I can assure you. Yes, I can print out your reservation for you, but our printer is currently having some difficulty, which causes it to leave shadowy smears all over anything we print.
No, I will not tell you my age. I am neither required nor inclined to give you any personal information about myself. Since you are refusing to kindly shove off, like any other self-respecting Bitch with a Superiority Complex whose transaction is finished, I will continue to be polite to you. Funny how I get insulted (but still speak to you courteously) when you tell me that it's "easy to get frustrated in those kinds of jobs," with your disdain for people like me dripping from every word. No, I don't believe that you are just trying to understand anything, let alone my heretofore nonexistant bad attitude.
Let me show you the extent to which I am capable of maintaining a polite facade, despite my inner wishes to cudgel you over the head with my dater-die. I will even tell you to have a nice day when I leave you lecturing at my empty counter, while I return to the far more important tasks that I was handling prior to your untimely and pretentious waste of my time.
No love (and sincere wishes that you get thrown off a train),