Feb 06, 2008 19:07
Okay, so the word whinge. I've recently come across it again, which has rekindled my interest in how one pronounces such a word. Is the first part pronounced "win," which generally sounds better to my (admittedly unaccustomed) ear? Or is it "wine," as would be suggested by the addition of the E at the end?
Please don't laugh at me too hard for this one; this is the kind of thing that I randomly think about, and which will continue to vex me until I either figure it out or come up with some other unaswerable quandary to take its place.
Perhaps I should be going into linguistics instead of music. I spent an undue amount of time the other day staring at the word "shoe." Who on earth came up with that spelling? Why not make it "shu," and simplify our lives without adding letters that make absolutely no sense to the pronunciation?
My mind is full of deep questions like that :P