(no subject)

Sep 23, 2004 22:59

Hmm...I guess you could say I'm not happy with myself. I'm stuck at a fork in the road. So many things are being thrown at me: GRE's, Graduate school, Changing Majors, Paramedic (...?), Doctorate, Masters, Marriage (?!). I want to address it all. Yet, for how eager I am, I'm equally as pleased staying in the momment and just being a kid. Enjoying the thrill of EMTing, making money, having a great boyfriend, good friends, and fun times. But I can't stay twenty-one forever.

Then there is the more important issues: like finding me. It has been a couple months since I have spent quality time centering on becoming who I want to be. Frankly, what I see reflected presently is not a beautiful image. About the only thing I have managed to do towards changing that image is working out. That is such a small fragment of the overall pie that needs to be worked on. I want to be a better person: wiser, kinder, stronger, and more loving.

I just feel obligated to alter.
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