Jun 14, 2004 10:24
Black Cloud.
A Black Cloud, in the world of EMS, is a person who is paged out of the barn before shift starts and doesn't return 'til after shift ends. Black Clouds, without trying, get the nasty calls: pregnancy, gun fights, motor vehicle accidents, multiple causality incidents. Its not like they beg for this kind of a life...oh no...it's more like they are drug in the dirt behind a car into it.
I am the Black Cloud of the kennel world.
Found fleas on a dog on Saturday. Thirteen dog baths...four rooms completely stripped top to bottom....seven outside runs powdered done....twenty dogs checked for fleas....and a fifteen passenger van plus all contents later....ugh. Oh and Bev decided to, once again, bitch about how stupid I am behind my back when I took my 30 minutes (supposed to be 1 hour) long lunch break. She then had the nerve to freak out when I left late! BITCH.
I just can't wait for my EMT card to come in...its so close...so very close.
Adam and Kelli's wedding was a riot. Its been a long time since I had two guys fight for my attention let alone given my phone number out. Too bad I'm not interested. ~_~ Chas was there and was ever confusing. He told me to go leave his life two days before, called me up the morning of and told me he wasn't going to act warmly to me.....but....at the wedding he greets me at the car and saved a seat at his table for me (uh, but I made plans to sit elsewhere) then told me he wants to work on being friends....and lastly he left early because it hurt too much to see me (told me this much last night). I know he is confused with life but I really wish he would get his head straightened out when it comes to dealing with me. His yo-yoing is quite painful. I only pray he picks a direction sometime soon. I miss him so much...