Apr 24, 2004 14:43
-Couldn't fall asleep
-Woke up at 5am
-Arrived at Rural Metro to find everyone in a pissy mood and fighting amongst eachother
-Went to Black Creek Park to run. Ran for 45 minutes straight and then realized that I had run around the same meadow three times.
-Got lost for over two hours.
-Trekked through a swamp with water almost up to my knees
-Found road, walked three miles back to car
-At same time as wilderness adventure: missed class and a quiz
-Forgot to pick up the $100 dollar refund check that I needed so I could pay off a parking ticket and have gas
-Couldn't go hang with Michelle
-Didn't get to hang out with Chas
-Felt miserable, tried to study ended up reading a nonscholastic book 'til I fell asleep.
-Woke up late (6:30)
-Tried to pack car with some stuff, ended up breaking a picture and spewing books across the entire hallway
-Arrived to class 30 minutes late
-Got a grade sheet saying that my average in EMT is 89. I freak. Quiz scores were missing and a test that I had gotten a 93 on was written down as a 43.
-Killed the maniquin I intubated.
-Everyone in class was, once again, pissy.
-Had a classmate ask me what to do about her suicidal 7 year old and her suicidal grandmother (oh, and to make matters even better, the daughter and grandmother are talking to each other about death)
-Went home
-Got in a disagreement with Chas
-Went to mechanic only to find out he hadn't recieved the message from dad saying I'd be there around two. He thought I was coming in the morning. Guess whose car isn't getting fixed.
-Mother lost pay check.
-Sister and mother ate all of my Easter candy
What now?
I'm alright, I'm alright.... it only hurts when I breathe...