(no subject)

Oct 17, 2011 15:08

I love my job, I really do, and I don't mind some of the more menial aspects of it--like shelving--but sometimes it makes me a little worried about humanity.

Some books I've shelved today:

-The Burning Bride
-The Temptation of a Proper Governess (I grew up with the Royal Diaries books which always had a grandmother-esque governess, which, no.)
-The Pirate and the Pagan (not the title so much as the cover)
-The Very Virile Viking (...okay.)
-insert fifty or so more with similar titles, all including some sort of flower or lust-related word.

I get why people read these--and hey, I'm making money off them--and there's nothing wrong with that, but we get so many of them in every day. It's gotten to the point where cursive titles make me twitch.

(Also, happy late birthday to daisysusan, unless LJ's been lying to me again!)

harlequins scare me, work schmerk, blog reboot 2011

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