Jul 06, 2007 15:53
My last day as an au pair. The family´s to dine out with me before I´ll take a bus from some station in Madrid to Barcelona where I´ll arrive before 7 in the morning, tomorrow... And there I shall see sights, and take a flight to Helsinki the next midnight.
The last hour and so I´ve been checking all the info; The metro map of Barcelona, where the sights are (their metro stops), that Clickair is actually flying from Barcelona, not Girona like Ryanair... My stuff has been packed the last week. My big suitcase has now about 20.5 kilos, outta 20, Eastpak 7, "handbag" 5. My biggest fear is probably the handbag. It´s kinda big for a handbag. If they ask me to show my hand luggage to them at the check in, I may be in some trouble. The 20,5 kilos shouldn´t be a problem.
What else. I´m brown. I´m hung-over. Went to "eat out" last night with Katie, and well, here you get food with your beer so we just ordered beers. I´m a vodka, tequila etc. drinker, so beer´s a problem with me. Makes me go ew. Gotta adjust with being poor now and all.
Errr, the scariest part left. Check how much money have on my account. .. ... Holy crap, twice as much as I thought. It´s good, I sooo need to save some for 24.7, the hostel, and need to buy a train ticket thingie, lomapassi. 55 Euros or something that is. OK. Can´t shop in Barcelona. Just eat and move around and take pics. My memory card is full so need to use old, proper camera. Have about 11, 10 pics left on it. Ai ai, need more. And god damnit have I shopped. God. But you know you need clothes, so it´s all good.
Anyway, I´ve had so much fun here, the other au pairs are cool, Madrid is fantastic, don´t lemme get started with Reina Sofia, Picasso, Goya and Dali, though I will say I don´t get the midget thing with Goya. YOU´RE A FREAK FRANSESCO! And Las Meninas by Velasquez <3<3 There´s a reason classics are classics, it´s just a great painting. I loved my audioguides <3
The people here are so cool, they hang out all the time, take nightly walks with the kids, it´s so warm and relaxed here, I wish I could take part of this Latin spirit to Finland with me and make a perfect combination of climate and people. But never was able and never will be. At least I´m not in shitty England. I´ve watched CNN a lot here to contribute towards school, and god am I afraid of those poor brain washed terrorists or what! Plus floods in UK wtf? I mean yes in Pakistan and South East Asia they have floods all the time and they´re off much worse but poor Northerers ;__; Now they have nuthin.
ANYWAY TWO BABY HORSES IN FINLAND YYAY and oh fuck, horseflies. oooooooh fuck.