School, school & more gayass private school and me!

Dec 16, 2003 14:48

Well, before I get into detail about my gay private school. I just want to tell you about me. Here's what you need to know... I am 13 years old, I am in 7th grade, next year I am goint to Gotha, a public school, if you dont know were that is, think about it! !t must be in the gotha area!.!.
Now on to my gay school, but before I go into that, I want you peoeple who are perfectionist to know that I CAN NOT SPELL!! I mean it! I probably will spell half of this wrong, but it's ok! So if you see something that is mis-spelled reply and tell me, please.
Now it's time to go into detail about my gay school. Well, it's a gay private school that I go to. The name, the cursed name--CFCA! The 3 most hated letters! We have gay exams this week, except Friday! But the one and only good thing about this school is that we get off eariler [12:00am] this week only! This is the only good thing you will hear, out of my mouth, about this school, so dont get used to it! Because I am positive of it, our school is gay! Now to the best part, where I get to say all the bad things about this school, so here i goes: gay teachers, gay people, gay test, gay demerits!
Now, for some of the people who don't have know what demerits are, I will explain... They are this little piece of paper and when you do something wrong you get a demerit. Like if you talk that's 2 demerits, if you cheat that that's 7 demerits, and so one. when you get 7 demerits you get a detention, and you have to pay 5 dollars for a detention. They should pay me to stay there, hello! Ya so that is basically what my school is about!
So far today went pretty ok, No good, but not bad either, that little place inbetween. But I had to deal with the preps, oh the loved/hated preps. Of course there are some cool people at our school, but very few. Only like 30 people {cool} and that's all! The rest are gay, just like our school! I just can't wait 'till I leave this freakin' school.
I'll write soon, bye!
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