Some bad news from the doctor about my son..

Jun 03, 2008 23:30

Let's push aside the fact tbat my husband and I are now separated..that means little now..
They do these tests at school to see if your child has anything wrong with their spine,and the nurse sent home a note that my has some issues with the way his spine is shaped..My husband took him to the doc today and the doc said my son has Sclerosis. Not sure what kind or how bad it is..but he has to see a specialist.What fucking mind blower! I need you all to keep our family in your thoughts and prayers..And pray for my sanity..cause those who know me know of the death of my 9 mth old from cancer..I'm STILL recovering rom that!!I'm scared..I'm here and Austin..away from my son..
Keep us in your prayers..
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