You are The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost.
You're an individual, though you may not think of
yourself that way. You make your own decisions,
usually after much thought, and maybe you
regret a few. But in the end, you know it's
those decisions that define you.
Which poem are you? brought to you by
Quizilla You're a Cardassian! Intelligent and devious,
you're a bit of an enigma to those around you
and scientific to the core.
What Star Trek Race Are You? brought to you by
Quizilla Go as a Mage!
What should you be for the Renaissance Faire? brought to you by
Quizilla If I were a cat, I would be a… Puma!
The Puma (Felis concolor) is an unmarked, tawny cat which possesses, along with great elegance and agility, many commonly used names. The most widespread of its labels are Cougar, Panther, Mountain Lion, and Catamount. They live over a broad range in all of the Americas.
Being the Puma (or whatever you want to call it!), you are a very strong individual and have a great capability of succeeding at whatever you wish to accomplish. You are cunning when in sticky situations and adept at puzzles and riddles.
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You are the wasted cat. You probably like to abuse
animals. Though, don't we all?
What weird and fucked up image are you? brought to you by