I'm just gonna go ahead and link to a post by the conscientious (and cute!)
It's not you, [CPC-Candidate-Name], it's everything you stand for This phenomenon - people continuing to vote for the Conservatives, and in increasing numbers, despite the fact that they are consistently lying and cheating - is the sort of thing that makes me lose faith in democracy, and makes me want to run as a Rhino Party candidate.
Americans: Remember how you felt when Bush was elected for his second term? That.
Here's an example: The other day I saw a Conservative party TV ad (accidentally while at the gym) in which an "undecided voter" *cough*bullshit*cough* praises Harper's reduction of the GST and then questions whether the Liberals or NDP would be able to reduce the debt, and control government spending, and otherwise be fiscally responsible.
look at the graphs at the bottom of this page. WHO, traditionally, by the numbers, spends too much and increases the debt? THE CONSERVATIVES! And WHO spends sensibly, at least sensibly enough to reduce the debt? THE LIBERALS! (I can't speak for the NDP because they've never been in power on a federal level, but they'd have to try pretty hard to be worse than the Conservatives!) I'm not just spouting my mouth off - look at the numbers! LOOK AT THEM!!!!
Why, why why WHY, does ANYONE in this country still think "Conservative" means "fiscally responsible" and "Liberal" means "we're spending all your money on arts and culture"? Seriously. I know why - people are stupid, actually believe what the loudest and most obnoxious *cough*Conservative*cough* politicians say, and don't actually deserve to have an opinion (or a vote) in most cases.
So, yeah - don't vote Conservative, kids - they're fucking full of shit, and a bad, bad thing for this country. If you don't know who to vote for, or are considering not voting or spoiling your ballot, vote for the Green Party. There are very few ridings where you're likely to accidentally elect one, but each vote gives them a little campaign money and a little more credibility, and maybe one day we'll at least be able to hear what they have to say in televised debates... your vote can help give a rookie (if not a newcomer) a chance to at least play in the big leagues, when they clearly should be allowed to do so already.