After a week or two of feeling kinda "bleah" overall - this weekend included - I am finally feeling a little energetic, and actually proactive about planning and doing things. Don't know what caused me to be so low-energy and extra-procrastinatory for the last little bit, though potential culprits (possibly in combination) are:
- The cold that lost me my voice at FCN and the subsequent drawn-out (if marginal) symptoms thereof (not gone yet, but nearly so);
- Weird and inconsistent weather; and
- Lack of exercise (I stopped working out when I got the cold and haven't gone since, and since my body's been used to getting regular exercise for the past year-ish, maybe that threw my brain chemicals off?)
What got me feeling back on track? Not sure of that either, possibly:
- A fair bit of "down time" the last two days, spent Easter with Alex and his family;
- Inspiration from some forced productivity when my roommates and I (plus Alex) did a pretty significant cleaning of our house on Friday;
- The fact that the last couple days have actually been pretty nice, weather-wise - almost summery even (I got a bit of a sunburn yesterday);
- Realization that it's 4 months to Feral! and I have a shit-ton of work to do before then!
- I actually played a half-hour or so of guitar for Alex's family yesterday... and that felt pretty good, so maybe that got my spirits turned back in the right direction.
In any case, a list of what I'm up to in the next week-or-two time frame:
- Back on my diet as of today's lunch;
- Back to the gym 4-times-a-week, starting after work today... including inquiring about boxing(!) classes/equipment/facilities;
- Back to actually planning my days and making sure I get shit done when it needs to;
- Speaking of which: taxes!
- Continuing to jam on a weekly basis with some friends - we're starting to sound pretty good on a few of the songs we've been working on, so that's pretty great;
- Preparing my garden for this year - both planting seeds indoors (which I've already done some, thankfully) as well as cleaning up from last year, which I didn't do in the fall, and including expanding the amount of garden space I have available, including space near the front door as well;
- Inquiring about getting a plot in the community garden down the street, to further expand my growing capabilities, both in square footage and in level of sunlight (I hope!);
- Bottle a batch of wine I started at a brew-on-their-premises place in town.
- Start an apple tree, some saskatoon trees, and a bonsai or two;
- Organizing / cleaning my bedroom, the basement storage room, the music room, and the kitchen.
Ambitious, I guess, but I'm also feeling extra-behind after sorta wasting a few weeks of time because I was just feeling "bleah". Gotta learn to "suck it up" when I get like that.
Longer term goals, while I'm at it:
- Help plan a 40th anniversary party for my parents (in Manitoba) this summer;
- Be in the best shape possible for Feral! this year - stack on a pile of muscle, lean down beforehand, and spend time on the local nude beach getting a most excellent tan - for once in my life;
- Update in here more often - I originally started this with the intent of using it as a sort of public diary, something I could refer back to in order to gauge my progress, but I've not used it consistently enough for that;
- Related to the above, maybe LJ is not the right place? Twitter doesn't seem right for me, the things I want to say and record are almost always more than 140 characters... I can barely keep a text message down to one part. Maybe a blog?
- Focus myself as much as possible to concentrate on things that will be useful and important in the future... which is to say, things that will be helpful when I am living on a farm, raising my own produce, preserving it for use through the winter, and selling/trading the remains to obtain things I can't grow or make myself.
- Collect my recipes together, with photos, into a cookbook.
Also: I'm sure it's partly mood-related, which may in turn be partly weather-related... but I have been hit with spring fever! In truth I was feeling this a couple weeks ago, after the first few hints at nice weather, but before the mini-depression set in. Well... it's back!
Anyways, that's more than enough for now.
How's everyone else out there in LJ-land doing?