I know, these are often boring. But it's useful to me!
Last night I did go out to pick berries, and found the saskatoon trees where I usually pick, near my old apartment, are LOADED with berries - about 10% of which are fully ripe and about 70% of which are ripe-enough-to-eat-but-not-fully-ripe. However, in about 3 days I expect that 80% will be edible, most of them fully ripe - so I'm gonna wait and hope the birds don't clean them out before I do.
Ditto for the cherries nearby - a few branches were fully ripe, but most still need a few days. Maybe Saturday afternoon will be spent picking saskatoons and cherries.
I also did my first workout of the new regime - for an arm-focused work-out, it still killed my legs! I was walking funny on my way out, and not because I met a hot guy in the locker room.
Played about an hour of guitar, still went to bed an hour late and failed to get up with enough time to work-out. I'd have gone for a 1/2h run around the neighbourhood if it wasn't raining. I also made an appointment for an assessment at the gym on Friday morning, which will interfere with my Friday work-out - so maybe tomorrow morning and then Thursday afternoon, to keep everything as far apart as possible, without interfering with the Friday assessment, or the weekend.
Tonight I am aiming to do a short run (or some other cardio) after work, possibly around the neighbourhood if it's nice, otherwise at the gym. Then I have some berries to take care of - the flat of strawberries needs to be de-stemmed, and I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to do with them after that. Jam? Syrup to use to prime my apple cider (resulting in sparkling, strawberry-flavoured apple cider)? Freeze for later use? Hmm. All of the above, I think. :)
Speaking of which, I'm planning on starting a batch of apple cider. Now, when it comes time to bottle, you add a bit of sugar solution so that it ferments in the bottle and results in sparkling cider. I'm thinking of making fruit syrups from the berries I've been collecting (by mashing them with sugar and letting them soak a bit) and using those to "prime" and flavour the ciders at the same time - I think I will split my batch of cider up, and make plain apple, strawberry, saskatoon and cherry. Then, when I see which ones work best, maybe make another batch in the fall. :)
Tonight will also be some shirt-designing, and I should also email people from FCN about commissions, now that I have my website up. Then guitar and bed ON TIME so I can get up in time to work out, for once!
Lion out.