Well, I said I'd let people know when the
Newspaper Taxi CD Shut Up & Listen is available online... and now it is.
You can find it at:
www.CDBaby.com who are distributing through
Best Buy now-a-days...
Optimally, you would buy directly from us at a show or when you visit or when I visit you or whatnot... then neither of us pays postage and the band doesn't have to pay anyone to do the dirty work -- but that's not always possible, so second choice is direct to CDBaby (the first link). If you happen to be at a Best Buy with someone who wants to get our disk, they supposedly will help you find it on CDBaby, but it comes directly from CDBaby anyways, and CDBaby pays additional monies to Best Buy for the service, so... that's your last resort. :)
Enjoy! Make us famous! ;)