Title: Begging For Attention
Pairing: Jack/Ianto,
Ratings: Adult -sexual activity, spanking
Spoilers: General Series 1 and 2
Summary: Jack wants Ianto’s attention and gets it, eventually.
Disclaimers: I own nothing!
Notes: Comments please!
Fic- Begging For Attention )
Comments 4
I love Jack getting in trouble and needing to be punished - he does need it because being older than everyone else and the boss, without Ianto there to make him behave he'd just do whatever he wanted!
I love pouty Jack and stern Ianto!
And Jack is very much a naughty little boy sometimes.
Very well written. A follow-up with Ianto rewarding Jack when he´s been a good boy would be nice to read. Will you write one? Please?
Love Nikki!
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