I went to Atlanta this past weekend. The Volvo actually made it. It was absolutely awesome. Met lots of people and went to some formal. The trip was long but well worth it. 5hrs and 30min there, 4hrs 30min back.
That's right, we smoke and take pictures while driving down the road... straight G... as in GANSTA. We were jamming to Green Day at this point.
Yeah, we know it...we are badass. This was right before the formal thing.
Our newest member...The Matrix 'G'. Grace is her real name. She's hot... Hung out with her a lot while there. Very fun girl.
"Highway to the Danger Zone. I'll take you right into the Danger Zone!" Yep. This is me doing my Top Gun pose. It was awesome. Cara and I bought super awesome glasses at AE in ATL.
Da Candy Bandits! Cara and G (as in Grace) are very happy here.
Just out of flight CrySTAL. After a long day of flying my Fighter Jet it was time to cool off.
Just a hot-ass picture of the hot-ass girls.
It was an awesome weekend. I'm going back very soon.