Jul 11, 2010 12:00
- 12:07 RT @crimsonmelodies: New Post: Hi, I'm Charlie bit.ly/8XC0eh #
- 12:08 RT @manicdistress: The Club... post.ly/mSyv #
- 12:08 RT @TVGuide: True Blood's Brit Morgan: Debbie Pelt Is On a "Murderous Rampage" After Sookie - bit.ly/aaIBth @TrueBloodHBO #
- 12:19 @ EricsBlackAmex My pleasure! *smiles* #
- 12:31 RT @SamMerlotteBT: Season 3 Sam Shirt. Do you wanna win it? Click the link to find out how! bit.ly/a7NHne #
- 12:33 RT @HarlanCoben: My BackPage column in this Sunday's PARADE MAG: Scariest Milestone. tinyurl.com/cobenparade #
- 12:34 @ HerMadness Welcome, Kat! I'd send you some rain too if I could. *attempts Tabitha nose twitching thing from Bewitched to no avail* #
- 12:49 RT: @VisitNewOrleans: Great seats for all Saints home games are available, who's excited!! is.gd/cdhc4 #Saints #whodat #
- 12:54 RT: @wilw: What's that? You want to watch the trailer for season 4 of The Guild? Ok, but only because you asked nicely: bit.ly/c9y9lF #
- 12:58 @ JulesBonTemps *misses her baby girl* #
- 13:53 New Meg Langslow mystery by @mordelaire [Donna Andrews] in my hands: Stork Raving Mad! Yay!!! #
- 14:20 RT @TrueBloodHBO: This is handy. "The Bloodlines of #TrueBlood, Explained" (via @NYMag) ow.ly/i/2vYD #
- 15:12 @ LaceyStripped @JulesBonTemps *spots both my girls and sends them mommehhugs* #
- 15:14 @ DarkPrincessAli *sends hugs* #
- 15:18 @ DarkPrincessAli *snuggles my Ali Cat* #
- 15:25 @ DarkPrincessAli Love you too, honey. *kisses your forehead* #
- 15:28 @ LaceyStripped *sends my girl a list of recalled items just to be safe* ht.ly/29Hbo ht.ly/29Hbj #
- 15:28 @ DarkPrincessAli It's on my to do list. *grins* #
- 15:29 @ DavidCallum *sends a copy to Dave too just in case ht.ly/29HcG ht.ly/29HcH * #
- 15:31 @ LaceyStripped Welcome, baby. Pays to have a librarian in the family. #
- 15:37 @ DavidCallum I'm sure you're fine, Dave. But it doesn't hurt. #
- 15:39 @ newrose *chuckles quietly at the ref desk and sends hugs* #
- 16:08 @ newrose No sorting in the library. lol @hlflowers1977 #
- 16:46 @ RemySavoyRD Good afternoon, Remy. *smiles and waves from the reference desk* #
- 16:49 @ RemySavoyRD The "Taste of" the town I'm in is outside in the parking lot. We're just a glorified air conditioned bathroom today lol #
- 17:19 Off to stand on a hot train platform for 45 minutes and watch an old ep of True Blood #
- 17:28 @ AngelHeartMissy Still one of my favorites for many reasons. #
- 17:29 @ AngelHeartMissy Safe. Just hot and tired. #
- 17:32 @ AngelHeartMissy I love music with great lyrics and my sister. Perfect mix! #
- 17:33 @ AngelHeartMissy Listening to her in Rent right now. Might have been a bad idea. *sniff* #
- 17:34 @ AngelHeartMissy I love you too. Very much. #
- 17:36 @ AngelHeartMissy lol I have an evil Kleenex-stock owning iPod and iPad #
- 17:39 @ AngelHeartMissy No hands left. LOL Blackberry in one iPad in the other. Oooohh! "Help Me, Help You" by Julianne Hough... *sniff* #
- 17:40 @ AngelHeartMissy Who? *looks around* #
- 18:12 Photo: katcupcakery: tumblr.com/xxxd5iws2 #
- 18:14 Photo: tweedledeewannabe: tumblr.com/xxxd5j0io #
- 18:17 Photo: katcupcakery: tumblr.com/xxxd5j6re #
- 18:20 @ PixieTheElf @VampHadley *thinks if there is throwing down stairs I will log off until next week* #
- 18:22 @ PixieTheElf *will fall off train as we pull up to my stop now*........OFFLINE #
- 19:24 Photo: katcupcakery: tumblr.com/xxxd5n64c #
- 20:48 Video: Julianne Hough - Love Yourself I wish you could love yourself Oh, I wish you could love yourself The... tumblr.com/xxxd5sjfu #
- 21:00 Photo: Window Shopping tumblr.com/xxxd5tbsv #
- 21:03 Photo: Roses in Sunlight tumblr.com/xxxd5tji0 #
- 21:07 Photo: Roses in the Rain tumblr.com/xxxd5tuk2 #
- 21:10 Photo: Venetian Mask tumblr.com/xxxd5u19v #
- 21:12 Photo: Scenes from a cab leaving New Orleans tumblr.com/xxxd5u5ub #
- 08:54 Photo: katcupcakery: tumblr.com/xxxd717e6 #
- 09:34 @ vampherkimer Thank you, Herk. The roses are gorgeous. *hugs tight and kisses your cheek* #
- 09:35 @ ceebee308 Morning, Claude. #
- 09:36 @ Laila144 *snugglehugs* Sorry I missed you. #
- 09:37 @ MiniBookBytes Sorry I missed you. I'm fine. Thanks. Just busy at work. Hope you're well. #
- 09:45 @ MorganCooperBTM Morning, Morgan. *smiles* (My vote just got you in top 25!) #
- 09:52 *reluctantly gets out of bed, showers, changes ht.ly/29Q7C , grabs some fruit on my way to the library to get some paperwork done* #
- 09:52 @ MorganCooperBTM *grins ans sends hugs* #
- 09:55 RT @padschicago: RT @CeceintheCity: Happy 7-11 Day! FREE 7-Eleven Slurpee's TODAY! ow.ly/29POP #
- 09:56 @ vampherkimer You're welcome, my dear friend. #
- 09:58 @ BadAssNessie *sends love and hugs* Morning, Nessie. #
- 10:02 RT @SimpleLoveTweet: Sometimes all a person really needs is a hand to hold, and a heart to care and understand. #SLT #
- 10:02 RT @SimpleLoveTweet: A lie is just a great story that someone ruined with the truth. #SLT #
- 10:03 @ VeroniqueManner *smiles and waves* Good morning. #
- 10:04 @ Julesx822 *laughs* Aren't you sneaky? #
- 10:19 RT @SimpleLoveTweet: Life is like a roller coaster. You can scream everytime you hit a bump or you can throws your hands up & enjoy it. #SLT #
- 10:24 RT @SimpleLoveTweet: We fall in love at the the most random times, with the most unpredictable people. #SLT #
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