The Saskatchewan (Conservative) Party is asking the Courts to rule on two possible hate legalization laws. These laws focus on Marriage Commissioners, who are licensed to do legal marriages by the government, being permitted to refuse clients seeking same sex marriages.
The Government has missed an opportunity here. The law should seek to allow any person or agency contracted or licensed to perform civil duties the right to enforce their own deeply held convictions. Notary's Public could deny service to First Nations peoples because they always lie. Motor License Issuer's could refuse women permits because driving is immodest and women can't drive anyway. The Marriage Commissioners should also be able to refuse to do Inter-racial Marriages as well as inter-faith ones. Poll Clerks should be able to deny Roman Catholic voters as they are just pushing a Papist ideology.
Lets face it if one group of Government endorsed agents is allowed to opt out of serving part of the population why should any other agent not have the same right to opt out of serving any part of the population? Then, why not those in direct employ of the government as well?
If this government is going to endorse legalized hate then they must make the playing field level in the interest of basic human rights.