Still enjoying my vacation! Only getting a *little* nervous about my new job. Next Monday I will be back in a cubicle. But it will be okay.
Things that make me happy today:
1) Saw a sign that said "TEACH PIANO" on the side of the road. But of course, I thought it said "TEACH PORNO". And I want to know how to get involved in this school.
2) The 10am-7pm block of syndicated court show. I have learned that a) dogsitting = automatic lawsuit for traumatizing pets; b) Hair extensions are expensive and hart to litigate; c) you cannot sue for the price of your bed if your boyfriend sleeps with another woman in it; d) If you are filled with the holy spirit and pass out in church, the church is not responsible for your hospital bills; e) you can sue anyone for anything.
3) Disregarding the current P!ATD drama (ILU SPENCER SMITH), I really like this song and while Bden's hair is an acquired taste, I'm starting to acquire it.
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3) continued:
4) I am becoming very obsessed with Chris Evans. Even in a dystopic depressing Korean film with a scruffy beard covered in dirt, I would so be all over that man.
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I am seriously using my movie vote to make my BFF go see this with me. I'm actually saving my vote for this one - it's my week and I vetoed Percy Jackson (redbox, baby) and Elysium (Matt Damon has not been hot since forever and I am shallow).
5) Tell me more things that should be making me happy today! Fuck Monday, we will make it a good day anyway!