1. Hey, Brits! Can you guys keep your eyes open for when 'Southcliffe' airs? It says it will be on Channel 4. It piqued my interest and I still have an unhealthy obsession with British TV even if I am saving all the Skins specials to marathon at once. Oh - and if anyone remembers that 'zombie' serial that came out a few months back where the zombies are reintegrated into society and have to wear contacts...I want to get it but don't remember the name.
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2. Quitting a job is hard, y'all. I think my docs are sending me EVERYTHING they can think of for me to finish, in addition to my normal overloaded workflow and I am more stressed than I thought possible. I thought I would be relieved, but there's SO MUCH TO DO. Plus, I'm developing more anxiety about starting anew.
3. Last night I think a centipede crawled over my toe. I am petrified that they are in my house. Or that I am hallucinating since I could not find it.
4. Okay, so at first, I was *pissed* that they replaced my old school Twilight Zone eps with The Night Gallery, but omg, I think I like TNG more. That shit is cray in the best way. I *love* them.