Kervin friend Chris had a business party and neeeded A Dj so I got Kervin to host the show. I did a little bit but the party was sooo bad I wasn't happy.
For one I was to Dj and get paid for it and most of all everyone was to bring there own music. But as the party started no one brought no music not one. We were to play 80's music and some hip hop. But it was more of a disaster. Here I am at this business party with high class folks that did not even say hello. And to top it play hits like madonna,Prince,Duran Duran. But one crowd wanted hip hop the other trance and the rest 80's. But eveytime someone came up for a request we did not have it. I was pisst. and they got mad with us. But we had most of the music but they wanted to here old stuff that when I told Chris want is going on they knew to bring there own music. But yet they want to give us bad looks.
Here is Chris boss Chris is in the backround with in a blue shirt. Even his boss
wanted to make resqust but I told him where is your music.
Believe me if everyone had done there part like we did it would have been a super party.
Just one look at this photo tell you how bad it went. Here is gene with his head down.
Kervin doing the best he can with want he can work with. It is funny kevin played hip hop and everyone was loving it except chris boss and when it was over at 11pm they wanted us to play all the way up till 12am. We wanted to leave but than the want us to stay. Also that manager that was running the hotel she look like she needed a drink.
She look surprise when I should up.
I went a cross the hall and this party was kickin it real, than our party.