Aug 13, 2005 22:48
I remember the teacher telling my mom and I when we went to the childbirth education class about dropping or lightening before you have the baby. I remember her saying 2-4 weeks before you go into labor, this normally happens. And I have read the same thing in most of my books and online. But the bad part about it is that I haven't dropped. So I sit here asking myself if I am going to have to wait another 2-4 weeks. I don't have the patience. I am soooo sick of this heartburn. I get it no matter what I eat, when I eat, or even if I don't eat. It's inevitable. That is the worse part. Then you add the anticipation on top of that....and you get one tired of being pregnant, pregnant lady. I am praying hard that it happens this week. I am so sick of feeling like this. :o(