Dec 19, 2007 23:42
I like being home because I feel so much more productive. I spend way too much time sitting on my butt in Florida.
I just finished making 4 dinners. One for a friend on bed rest, one for my SIL who is about to have a baby, one for our freezer and one for tomorrow. I cleaned and cut up all the vegetables I bought today (so I have no excuse to not eat them!) and cleaned the kitchen.
Earlier today I babysat my 3 year old niece and 2 year old nephew. Oh boy. I had a couple moments of thinking that maybe Allyson should be an only child. But overall we had a good time and Allyson loved being with the kids. I did learn that I better figure out how to potty train her as soon as possible. I have no problem changing her diapers now, but I just about lost my breakfast while trying to change a very stinky 2 year old.
Oh, and we even took 2 long walks today. It probably wasn't enough to counteract the Christmas cookies, but it was a start.