And we've returned to the land of long infrequent posts. (In other words, it's summer)

May 14, 2010 21:00

Today I would like to discuss two criminally underrated actors. Mainly this is an excuse to squee to myself over here in this corner.

I just watched Confessions of a Dangerous Mind last night. Guys, why has no one heard of Sam Rockwell? Why aren't his praises sung along with the other great actors of his generation? I don't get it. At all. The way he subtly embodies a role is beyond impressive. Johnny Depp's caricatures have nothing on this guy.

There's a tumblr called Sam Rockwell is Underrated. It is awesome. You should go check it out.

Every time I look at his imdb page I find out he was hiding himself in a role so thoroughly I didn't know it was him.

Also, he's going to be in Cowboys & Aliens and if you're not excited for the ridiculousness that movie is going to be you better start being.

The long and short of all this is that Confessions of a Dangerous Mind was awesome, and Sam Rockwell is awesome, and I can't quite decide whether I want him to break into the spotlight or not because I like getting impassioned about his obscurity.


Why isn't Donald O'Connor loved on the same level as the other stars of his era? Why do we remember who Gene Kelley and Fred Astaire are but O'Connor is just that guy who happened to be in Singing in the Rain?

Everyone knows Make 'Em Laugh and after forcing a friend to watch Singing in the Rain for the first time awhile ago I decided I needed to see more that O'Connor had done. This has proved more difficult than I thought it would be. Netflix isn't brimming with movies that he's done, but I've added what I can to the queue.

I watched Anything Goes the other day and spent basically the entire movie hoping for a scene like this one (It stops being awkwardly in Russian after the first minute.

image Click to view

I don't remember what's coming next, but I imagine it'll have at least one number like You Can Bounce Right Back and Make 'Em Laugh that leaves me grinning so wide my cheeks hurt.

The long and short of it is that I am in awe of this guy's talents. I want to have his comedic abilities. I want him to have been in more movies.

sam rockwell, donald o'connor, singin in the rain

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