When life SuX...Get A straW*

Nov 08, 2005 18:07

I was looking on a quote web page today and I came across this little saying. I think its a good way to look at things...see what you think?!?

*:I take the good with the bad, smiles with the sad,
Love what I got and remember what I had.
Always forgave but never forgot...
Learned from my mistakes, but never regret...
People change and things go wrong...
I just remember that *LIfE GOeS oN:*

So true.

Nothing in life is gaurenteed and things are bound to leave you feeling upset/mad/confused...and anything else, but what doesnt kill you makes you stronger.
Theres a lot of things that we dont like in life or dont want to accept...I know first hand but without acceptence of your true feelings you will never be able to satisfiy yourself.
The key to success in life is to making yourself completly happy and only you can do that, so instead of concintrating on all the things that went wrong in your past we need to concintrat on you in the "now" because we are here today and tomorrow is yet another day...what happend a few weeks ago is nothing anymore. Nothing more than the past...what it will always be regardless if you sit there and think about it or blame things on it...or whatever. Its in the past where it will stay.
Each day you have a choice when you wake up...you choose your attitude and in order to make things successful for you and those around you...choose your attitude wisly.

You have hold of your future and only YOU can make yourself happy.

I wish you all the best of luck in whatever it is you face on a everyday basis...life is hard and confusing at times. But it is what you make of it.

Night everyone!
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