Mar 08, 2004 20:37
yeh so im at school*woopadeedoo* I'm sooo happy!!!NOT!
Today kinda sucked...cuz ya know i had school but it was fun in some when silvia and kate were air humping eachother in the room and the cleaner walked in HAHA OK guys now it's out!! it's no secret anymore;)!
I got my phone mum brought it in she didn't give me the whole lecture about leaving things at home BLAH BLAH BLAH again!!!
So then i had study:( Silvia was sharing my cd player and she got up and knocked it on the floor and broke it:'(!! damn u silvs..
umm... read my book*snore* Addy and Nelmski were trying to be like me!!Their "punky"! they have nooo idea..addy was headbanging \m/
and then i came to comp room talked to mah bint..wrote in here now im gonna go have a shower listen to on sims..try to make my sim ppl love eachotherCOS they shud...cuz it's m,e and ryan!!!
then i will go sleep!!!:D
TTFN x~x